The Antonis Tritsis Programme (2020-2023) has been managed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and has been targeted to municipal water and wastewater utilities.
Its action AT03 involve interventions and actions to improve energy efficiency in energy-intensive water and wastewater infrastructures such as replacement of equipment in pumping stations, boreholes, water and wastewater treatment facilities, buildings, replacement of existing pumps with new high energy efficiency ones and installation of frequency converters.
The total budget for the AT03 Call for Proposals was 150 M€. With 153 proposals for funding and only 53 selected projects, the program was a success in terms of level of participation, thanks to the simple process aimed directly to water/wastewater authorities or municipalities.
The program ended in 2023 and there is not data on its impact yet. However, the managing authority estimated minimum energy savings from the implemented projects of about 28.8 GWh/year.
Should the program be extended to the industrial sector, in your opinion?
Would a different policy measure be more effective for motor replacement actions in industry?
Ivan / EU-MORE Team