
LIFE x3 Cluster Webinar: Maximizing energy efficiency in industry: Insights and policy recommendations from three EU-LIFE projects
Maximizing energy efficiency in industry: Insights and policy recommendations from three EU-LIFE projects.
EU-MORE, AUDIT2MEASURE, and KNOWNnNEBs—three LIFE co-funded projects aimed at promoting energy efficiency in industry—share their insights and policy recommendation for accelerating the implementation of energy efficiency measures.
register for free here: Webinar-Registrierung - Zoom
10:00 Welcome & housekeeping (Fernando Nuño, ICA Europe)
10:05 Introduction to the LIFE x3 Cluster (Tomas Jezdinsky, ICA Europe)
10:10 [AUDIT2MEASURE] Boost the impact of audits: How to implement Art. 11 of the EED into national legislation (Milan Matußek, Adelphi)
10:25 [KNOWnNEBs] Beyond Energy Savings: A comprehensive decision-making tool for Energy Efficiency in industry (Gatis Žogla, Ekodoma)
10:40 [EU-MORE] Policy review and recommendations for accelerating the replacement of old and inefficient motors (Nikos Ntaras, CRES)
10:55 Panel debate and discussion with the audience
11:30 End

World Sustainable Energy Days in Wels/ Austria
What are the World Sustainable Energy Days (WSED)?
Competitive, collective, climate-neutral!
Staying on target for climate neutrality is a key challenge in changing political and economic frameworks. The aim is clear: no more fossil fuels! Becoming the first climate-neutral continent will offer Europe a key competitive advantage and increase our resilience in all sectors. In 2025, the World Sustainable Energy Days (WSED) will show how to gain momentum and present policies, programmes and innovation to reach our goals together.
The World Sustainable Energy Days (WSED) are a leading annual conference on the energy transition and climate neutrality with over 650 participants from more than 60 countries.
European Pellet Conference
Energy Efficiency Conference
Young Energy Researchers
Energy Efficiency Policy
Industrial Energy Transition

EU-MORE Final Event
EU-MORE Final Event
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Mar 11, 2025 12:00pm CET - Mar 11, 2025 04:30pm CET Add to Google · Outlook Web · Outlook Mobile · Yahoo · iCal |
Join us in Brussels for the EU-MORE final event!
EU-MORE is an acronym for EUropean MOtor REnovation initiative. This LIFE-Project aims to speed up the replacement of old and inefficient electric motors in industry and the service sector through the development of policy recommendations and an impact analysis tool that can assist Member States in fulfilling their obligations under the Energy Efficiency Directive and in their transition to a circular economy.
Join us for engaging discussions that will highlight the key outcomes of our project. We invite you to participate in interactive conversations about effective policymaking aimed at enhancing energy savings in the industrial and service sectors. We will explore future perspectives and potential pathways based on our project’s findings. Additionally, we welcome guest speakers from the LIFE 3x Cluster projects (AUDIT2MEASURE and KNOWnNEBs), who will share valuable insights into the progress of their initiatives. Your voice and ideas are important to us, and we look forward to your participation!
If you are unable to attend in person, there's no need to worry! This is a hybrid event, and we look forward to seeing you online.
12:00 Registration & Networking lunch
Welcome & Key outcomes of the EU-MORE Project
- EU-MORE highlights – João Fong (ISR, University of Coimbra, coordinator EU-MORE)
- Turning policy into action – LIFE-CET Outlook – Stamatis Sivitos (CINEA) (tbc)
Boosting energy savings under the EED - Dialogue with the audience on policy recommendations
- AUDIT2MEASURE Key findings from the Policy Recommendations Report – Simone Maggiore (RSE, AUDIT2MEASURE)
- Recommendations for policies to accelerate motor replacement– Nikos Ntaras (CRES, EU-MORE)
- Policy Impact Analysis – Robin Barkhausen (Fraunhofer ISI, EU-MORE)
- Interactive discussion with the audience (Moderator tbc)
14:30 Networking break
Beyond energy efficiency benefits
- KNOWnNEBs: Preliminary results of the KNOWnNEBs methodological approach approbation – Georg Benke (e7, KNOWnNEBs)
- Non-Energy Benefits of Motor Replacement
- Motor replacement in the circular economy – Fernando Nuño (ICA Europe, EU-MORE)
Future outlook
- CLASP (additional work related to industrial motor systems)
- Panel discussion with all speakers
- Final conclusions
16:30 Adjourn

European Industrial Energy Days by Enlit in Amsterdam
The European Industrial Energy Days unites all stakeholders from the energy intensive industry and provides guidance on how to manage energy strategies and stay competitive through the sharing of international best practices, innovations, and solutions in fields such as CCUS, Hydrogen, Electrification, energy efficiency and CPPA’s.
The conference targets the hard-to-decarbonize heavy industry sector, including steel, cement, chemical, paper, and glass, as well as light industries such as manufacturing and services.
With 2 days of exclusive networking and a comprehensive programme, the event brings together high-level industrial energy representatives, energy-, sourcing- and plant managers, sourcing the latest services and solutions to support their business strategy.
see programme here: